In this first ad, a man is put to the test by his girlfriend:
This commercial makes me shudder.
It's a well known fact: Sundays ARE for sitting around and watching football.
Apparently, this woman and her sister don't agree with this. That's because they are obviously man-hating bitches.
So now this guy is in a tough spot. He obviously disagrees with the woman (presumably his girlfriend) but does not want to say so, for fear that she may break up with him if he does.
The point of this commercial is supposed to be that this guy orders from the Dollar Menu, so he's obvioulsy smart, and can figure out a way out of this mess.
So what's his big solution? He lies to her.
Bravo, buddy. Bravo. You've just doomed yourself to a lifetime of not watching football on Sundays, or as most American men would call it: The Tenth Circle of Hell. Your Sundays will now be spent doing whatever it is that she wants to do. So you can probably look forward to carrying her bags around the mall or something.
I don't understand why the guy was in such fear of getting dumped. She's really going to end things because he disagrees with her and enjoys watching football on Sundays? If that's the case, then he's probably better off without her. It isn't a sign of a healthy relationship if he is not allowed to have his own opinions.
I did consider the possibility that this was a very early on in their relationship, and he's being especially cautious. Well, if he was so concerned about offending her, maybe he should have opted to take her to a slightly classier restaurant.
I've been out of the dating game for some time, but I'm pretty sure that when you're looking to impress a girl, you don't bring her to McDonalds. I'd also have to guess that she isn't impressed by his financial acumen when he orders off the Dollar Menu. She probably just thinks that he's cheap.
So basically, the message this commercial is sending is that the Dollar Menu is for guys who are cheap and are scared to death of their girlfriends.
Here's another recent Dollar Menu ad in which McDonald's once again helpfully points out that women are evil. (Sorry, I could only find the truncated version):
The man says that he won't be able to paint the garage due to rain. In the extended version of the commercial, the woman envisions the guy spending the day sleeping on the couch. Since it would obviously be horrible if the guy was able to relax and enjoy his weekend, she vows to prevent that from happening.
I mean, the guy probably works hard during the week, and all he wants to do is unwind in his free time. But she will have none of that!
So she "outsmarts" him by saying they can go look at window treatments, and tops it off with a look that basically says "F*** you! Your will is mine!" And based on the man's sad expression, it appears as if he's going to be looking at window treatments.
Here's how the guy should have responded:
"Window treatments? I'm not looking at window treatments. I don't give a rat's ass about window treatments. So why the hell do you need me to go with you? You're just going to go and pick out the ones you like, while I stand there and say 'Sure, that looks nice.'
"So I'm not going to be loooking at window treatments. Instead, you will go look at your stupid window treatments while I stay here, lie on the couch, and fall asleep watching sports. And when you get home, you're going to cook me a nice meal for once, instead of bringing home this garbage off of the Dollar Menu!"

And no matter what these commercials say, ordering off of the Dollar Menu doesn't prove that a person is intelligent. It just shows that they're too lazy to cook, and too cheap to afford something better.