Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Buffalo Wild Wings: Baby

Now that we're in the midst of football season, we've gotten a new batch of football related commercials.  Here is one that struck a nerve with me from Buffalo Wild Wings:

I can appreciate this commercial from both perspectives.

Before I had kids, I was once invited over to someones house to watch an Eagles game.  More accurately, my wife was invited over, and decided that she would accept on our behalf.  When I learned that there would be children present, I decided to stay home and let her go without me.

When I'm watching football, here's what I like to do: Watch football, shout stuff at the screen (in the case of recent Eagles teams, this stuff usually involves profanity), and make witty comments that show everyone present that I am both funny and knowledgeable about the game of football.

Here's what happens when you watch football with a baby or small child in the room.  The attention of others becomes focused on that child.  If the child is crying, then we've all got to be super concerned with the child's cries.  If the child is doing something cute?  Then everyone has to look and watch even though it might be 4th and goal in the 4th quarter of a close game.

Now that I'm a parent, I sometimes get stuck at home watching the game with my child present.  I often miss watching with friends and/or football fans, and I'm occasionally tempted to invite them over to watch with me.

But I know that would be selfish.  I don't want to force my child upon their football watching.  I don't want to force someone to be quiet during an important game.  Even worse, I don't want my child to be woken up from her nap prematurely.

Sometimes, you just can't help yourself.  There was one play in particular in which I didn't care that my daughter was napping, and she might wake up.  I just had to scream loudly:

In the situation in this commercial, some of the blame has to go to the guests.  You knew they had four small children!  How did you think it was going to go?

But really, the majority of the blame goes to the couple with the children.  When you had four kids, you basically gave up your right to invite people over to watch football.  Don't drag others into your little hellish existence.  Suffer in solitude.

Rating - 4 TVs - I applaud the accuracy of the commercial.  Despite the lousy service at my local Buffalo Wild Wings, anything would have to be better than watching the game among four small children.