I will give this ad a lot of points for realism. This is probably the mindset of just about every person who has ever gone on a first date.
I would like to point out the first thing that the woman wondered: How much does he make?
Yes, this is the most pressing question in her mind. Apparently, how much money a guy makes is more important to women than his relation with his mother and whether he wants kids.
I'm sure this does not come as a surprise to anyone.
By the way, what is with the goofy face that she makes after she wondered if he was the one? Unless he can read her thoughts, then that look is really kind of bizarre. If I was on a date with a woman, and she made that face, I'd be a little weirded out.
Of course, by the end of the commercial, it appears that maybe they can in fact read each other's thoughts. If this is the case, you'd think that they would be doing a better job of hiding their thoughts. If I was on a date with someone who could read my mind, I don't think I would keep thinking "I want to sleep with her."
More likely, he'd be trying to cover his thoughts by thinking of stuff like baseball statistics. Of course, this commercial would have made a lot less sense if the guy was just thinking about baseball stats the whole time.
When the woman gets her Pepsi MAX, the guy's one track mind goes from wanting to sleep with her to wanting her Pepsi MAX.
Why exactly is he so obsessed with getting her Pepsi MAX? They're at a restaurant. She must have just ordered a Pepsi MAX, so what's stopping him from ordering one too?
And wasn't he listening when she ordered the Pepsi MAX in the first place? If he wanted a Pepsi MAX so badly, why didn't he just order one when she did?
It's not like he watched her drink it and saw her enjoy it, prompting his desire to have one as well. No, it was just the arrival of the can that prompted his obsession. Is the can that appealing that it could prompt this kind of desire? The can certainly doesn't appear that spectacular at first glance.
I think it's a bit odd that the waiter just dropped off a can at the table. Wouldn't most restaurants serve their sodas in glasses?
Maybe, they were having some shortage of soda at the restaurant, and they only had a few canned sodas left lying around? If so, I suppose it is possible that this was the last Pepsi Max left, and that would explain why the guy wanted it so badly.
If that is the case, then maybe they should have picked a better restaurant for their date. You'd hate to have poor soda selection at a restaurant ruin a potential relationship. At the very least, I hope they received some sort of discount.

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