When they designed this commercial, they had to know that it looks like an ad for a phone sex line, right?
Were the Education Connect people sitting around at a meeting, wondering how to improve their business, when someone said: "You know, the Shake Weight has really kind of cornered the market on ads that guys use as spank bank material. Couldn't we get ourselves into that mix too?"
One attractive girl in her pajamas later, and we have ourselves an iconic commercial.
Here's a fun game: Try watching the commercial with the sound off and see how long it takes you to figure out that it isn't actually a sex line ad.
Now put yourself in the mindset of a single man, home by himself watching TV one night. He might be randomly flipping through channels or just watching a random show. And then, this commercial comes on.
Here's how he probably reacts:
0:01 - Allright! Hot chick in bed! Score!
0:06 - Sweet, she's got a computer. Webcam! I'm totally going to that website after this commercial is over. EducationConnect.com? That doesn't seem right, but whatever.
0:19 - Wait, why does it say "Earn $1,000,000 More?" How much does this cost? This chick is hot and all, but I'm not gonna pay too much to see her.
0:29 - "Free Service?" That's more like it! But there's got to be a catch, right? Like you only get a free preview and have to pay for the "special" content.
0:46 - "Free Success Kit?" What the hell are they talking about?
0:50 - "Online Schools Scholarhsips, Financial Aid?" Holy crap, this isn't a sex line ad? How is this not a sex line ad?
1:02 - Wow, I guess that wasn't a sex line ad. I feel kinda dirty now.
Immediately afterwards - Rewinds the commercial and watches it again.