Why do people love this commercial so much? Is it because of the guy's accent? Is it because of the attractive women? Is it because they want to have a lifestyle similar to what this guy is enjoying?
While all of that might be nice, I'm fairly certain the reason people love this commercial so much is because of the miniature giraffe.
Why is that minature giraffe so cool? It's hard to explain, but I have a suspicion that given the opportunity, just about every person in America would get one. Someone even created a very authentic looking website where people could order their own mini-giraffe. Quite a few people were upset that it wasn't real.
If you can see past the wonder that is the mini-giraffe, you'll find that there's a lot of other good stuff in this commercial.
At the beginning of the commercial, there are dogs playing poker. Yes, much like the famous paitning, this guy has arranged for dogs to play poker, complete with the ace hidden between one of the dog's toes.
I love that painting. If I had unlimited money, I think I might get a bunch of dogs to play poker too. And take a look at the way the dog pushes his chips in. Based on that, I'd say the dogs actually have an idea of what they're doing. I suppose that if you were going to go to the trouble of getting dogs to play poker, you might as well go all out and train them how to do it properly.
The commercial does lose me a little when the Russian talks about wanting to save money.
This guy doesn't worry about how much stuff costs! He had two gold busts made only to reject one of them. You think this guy is concerned about the cost of his satellite service?
Really, they should have played up the angle that DirecTV is the service for people who appreciate the finer things in life as this guy definitely does.
I mean, if ordering DirecTV can set me on a path where I too might one day have poker playing dogs and a mini-giraffe, then I might be very tempted to sign up.
Then again, its not like anyone watching this commercial is going to be too worried about what message they're trying to get across. All people are going to care about is miniature giraffes and how awesome they are.
One final highlight: At the end where it says 'More on the Facing Book.' Broken English is funny.
Since the first commercial was so popular, this year DirecTV brought us another edition of the opulent Russian.
You may be thinking: How could they possibly improve upon last year's commercial? I mean, it had dogs playing poker and a miniature giraffe.
Well, they found a way: Having the miniature giraffe run on a miniature treadmill. Incredible. Simply incredible.

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