I used to think that Santa Claus was a revered figure. I thought he was beloved by everybody. But Best Buy's Game On, Santa ads have made me reconsider.
A woman goes to Best Buy and finds that they have a lot of good items on sale for under $100.
I wish I knew which Best Buy store she was at. Any time I go to Best Buy in December, the place is mobbed. It is nearly impossible to find a sales person, and even if you can, they certainly don't have time to make small talk.
Regardless, the message being sent is clear: Holiday shopping can be expensive, so Best Buy has affordable gifts that make shopping cheap and easy. I'm well on board with that idea.
But then, the commercial takes a dark turn when the saleswoman jokingly tells the woman that "Santa better watch out."
She doesn't know the half of it.
Apparently, this woman wasn't excited because she was going to be getting good gifts at a good price. She was excited because she would get to stick it to Santa.
When Santa comes by her house to fill the stockings, he is disappointed to discover that they have already been filled. Santa has no place to put his gifts!
But it isn't enough for this woman to just beat Santa at his own game. He needs to know that he's been beaten! She makes a point to stay up late just so she can see the crestfallen look on his face.
And then she tops it off with a final insult by telling him to give the gifts to the dog.
Seriously, lady?
Of all the people in the world, why would you want to mess with Santa Claus?
I thought that maybe this was an isolated incident of Santa hatred. But apparently, there are other Santa-haters out there:
What the hell?
This woman not only bought her family numerous gifts in order to spite Santa, but she also went to the trouble of waiting up on the roof just to antagonize him.
Yes, this woman hates Santa so much that she waited up on her roof all night on Christmas Eve just to antagonize him.
Santa, the jolly soul that he is, tries to laugh the whole incident off. 'Tis the season for forgiveness, after all.
But this woman is having none of it. She doesn't want his forgiveness, she wants his very soul! She gives Santa another giant "f*** you" when she kicks his statue off the roof.
What did Santa do to these women to inspire such hatred?
Are they annoyed that Santa's gifts make them feel unappreciated? Are they tired of hearing how great Santa is, while Mom's efforts are largely overlooked?
Or does the root of their hatred stretch back to their childhood?
Did they not get that dollhouse they wanted when they were younger? Did they witness their mother kissing Santa Claus one year and they blame him for the ensuing breakup of their parents? Are they Communists fearful that his gift giving ways will keep others from supporting their cause?
Whatever the reason, the Grinch and Scrooge had better watch out. There are some new Christmas villains in town.

But most of all, I would really love to know where that empty Best Buy is.
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