While there are several companies who have produced good ads over the years, I think that overall, the most memorable commercials have been brought to us by Budweiser.
Every year, when people discuss their favorite Super Bowl commercials, a Bud or Bud Light ad is almost always listed among them.
So I figured that for my next review, I'd pick a Bud commercial. But with such a large catalog to select from, which one should I choose?
I went with this ad from 2006, mostly because it reminded me of a personal experience.
We learn that one of the company's employees - Davis - decided to spend his weekend hiding bottles of Bud Light around the office. He claimed that it was done to give his fellow employees a boost in morale.
Why would hiding Bud Light improve morale? If he really wanted to improve morale, shouldn't he have simply put the Bud Light in the break room? Did he think that the Bud Light would somehow be more satisfying if the people discovered it?
When I'm at a bar, I typically don't want to go on a scavenger hunt in order to get a beer. I prefer to have the bartender simply hand it to me. It tastes just as good, and it requires considerably less effort.
I am also confused why hiding the beer took him "most of the weekend." This seems like a task that would take maybe an hour at the most.
Then again, he works at a company that apparently is fine with their employees openly consuming alcohol during business hours. So maybe expectations are a bit lowered there.
I'd say that this is the type of company I'd like to work for, except I don't think I could handle wearing a suit to work every day.
As we can see, Davis' plan hasn't necessarily raised morale, but it has certainly gone a long way towards the destruction of the office.
At 20 seconds in, another question is raised when a man punches holes in the drywall and pulls out a couple of bottles.
How exactly did Davis hide the beer behind the drywall in the first place? Are we to believe that he planted the beer in the wall and then replaced the drywall over the weekend? That seems like a lot of extra effort. Although that would explain why it took him most of the weekend.
Normally, I'd say that the office workers tearing apart the office in search of Bud Light requires too much suspension of disbelief. But based on personal experience, I could see this scenario actually taking place.
In 2009, Mrs. Cutter and I decided to invite some friends over for an Easter party. We decided to fill plastic Easter eggs with candy, coins, and other fun surprises, and then hide them around our condo, so that people could look for them in an Easter egg hunt.
Unfortunately, quite a few of our guests had been drinking beforehand (Don't ask) and when we began the hunt, chaos ensued.
It might not have been the wholesale destruction we see in this commercial, but rest assured that we almost immediately regretted our decision. People tore through our furniture with abandon in hopes of locating a plastic egg that might contain a quarter or a Jolly Rancher.
So I have no trouble believing that these office workers would tear apart their office building in search of beer. And as they drank the beer, I can imagine the madness only got worse.
I'd say that Davis deserved to get fired for this, but considering the company openly condones drinking beer on company time, can they really hold him accountable?

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