We see a Ram truck driving towards a city when - Uh oh! There seems to be an earthquake up ahead. This doesn't appear to be a minor earthquake either. This looks like a "The Big One" level quake in which a large section of the ground has completely collapsed.
I think I see what they're going for here. They want to show how well the Ram handles in even the harshest conditions. The case shown here might be a little extreme, but the point is made.
But wait! This is no random earthquake. The Ram truck is actually creating this earthquake! Somehow, the truck is causing the ground to collapse in order to shorten the distance between it and its destination.
I will admit that I was not aware that Ram trucks were capable of such things. If they truly are, I don't think Dodge has thought this all the way through.
Sure, it might technically shorten distances, but the effect on the surrounding landscape would likely be catastrophic. That city is probably going to be completely ruined by the time the truck arrives. Is it really worth it to arrive a few minutes earlier if the city is going to be destroyed when they get there?
Not to mention, is this really the type of power we want just anybody to possess? The ability to create earthquakes or destroy mountains seems like it should be in the hands of the military. It certainly doesn't seem like a feature that Johnny Truckbuyer should be able to purchase for just $22,000.
Just think what might happen if you cut off someone driving a Ram? If they're in a pissy enough mood, they could collapse the road underneath your car just out of spite. Can you imagine the type of chaos that would cause?

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