So yeah, this is cute and all. Because the guy had his AT&T phone, he was able to change his train ticket, meet the girl of his dreams, and the result of their coupling is the future president of the United States.
Cuteness aside, I have a few complaints about this one:
I don't care how great the guy's phone is, there is no way he is able to change his ticket that quickly. Even if he's getting good service in the train station, (highly doubtful) there's no way that the ticketing website can process the transaction in that short of a time.
In real life, he'd probably have to sit through five minutes of "Please wait while we look up your account" screens, and ten prompts to verify his identity and payment information. By the time the switch is done, the train will have long since pulled away, and the guy will have lost his true love.
Moving past the unrealistically fast ticket change, I have to wonder about the guy's impulsiveness. This guy is going to go to all of this trouble just based on looking at the girl from a distance for a few seconds?
What happens if he gets on the train, sees her up close and realizes that maybe she wasn't as attractive as he had thought? Or what if she was fat? Or maybe after talking to her, he realizes that he can't stand her personality? That's going to be one awkward train ride.
And considering that she was riding on a train, there's a good chance that she doesn't live anywhere near him. Is he willing to make the sacrifices necessary for a long distance relationship?
This doesn't even factor in the money this transaction has cost him. Train tickets are quite expensive these days, and not only did the guy change his ticket (I'm sure there are change fees included), but he's now committed himself to buying a ticket back from wherver this new train is headed.
Seriously, it worries me that a guy who is so impulsive and who so obviously does not think things through is going to be raising a future president.
This assumes that she would even want anything to do with him. More likely, she's going to be a little creeped out by the weird stalker guy who jumped on the train at the last minute and sat next to her. I'd guess that she gets up and changes seats at the next stop, and prays that he doesn't follow her.
By the way, have you noticed that these two look an awful lot alike? Like they're one of those weird couples who looks like they're brother and sister?
Hmmm...maybe that explains it.
Obviously, there is an instant connection between the couple. A connection so strong that it convinces the guy to change his ticket and get on the train. But what if the reason for the connection isn't love, but rather because the two of them are long, lost twins separated at birth?
Unfortunately, they never discover that they are siblings, and that means that the future president of our country is the unholy product of inbreeding. Our country is ruined! And it's all AT&T's fault!
Then again, it's not like President Inbred could really be much worse than W, right?

This commercial always pissed me off too. I definitely wondered if they were brother and sister, but I've been asked if my husband was my brother too. :)