But there are many other ads out there which don't quite live up to these lofty standards. These are not the ads that air during prime time network shows or NFL games. No, these commercials typically air in less prestigious time slots, like during daytime game shows or talk shows.
I call them the Daytime Delights.
The first Daytime Delight I will look at is the Forever Lazy.
By now, we're all familiar with the Snuggie. Snuggies (along with imitators like The Slanket and Comfy Throw) have been widely mocked, but eventually accepted into our lives. My family actually owns three of them: One in basic blue, one in zebra stripes, and one licensed by the Philadelphia Eagles.
From what I can tell, one day, an aspiring entrepreneur took a look at the Snuggie and thought, "Hey, that's pretty good, but I think I have a way to make it even better!" And so, the Forever Lazy was created.
I like how they show images of money as the woman is adjusting the thermostat. Because without those images, we would have no hope of getting the point that heat costs money.
Then we see people having problems with blankets. By the way these people are dramatically reacting, it is clear that these are not just minor issues. They are EXTREMELY unhappy with the situation. I never realized that blankets were so difficult to use, but I guess there's a large portion of our population who just can't figure them out.
Fortunately, we have a solution to this crisis: The Forever Lazy.
I'm not going to lie to you. Those people do look mighty comfortable. If they had just marketed the FL as something to wear while lounging around the house, we'd probably be OK with it.
But no, Forever Lazy has greater ambitions. Apparently, the FL isn't just for hanging out at home. It's also very useful for social events too.
They show a group of friends watching TV, and I have to wonder: Did the friends come over and bring their own FLs? I can't remember ever going over to a friend's house and bringing my own blanket, but maybe that's because I've never had a FL. Maybe if I had one, I wouldn't be able to bear the thought of going anywhere without it.
But assuming that they did not bring their own FLs, that meant that the host had enough of them to share with his guests. That guy must REALLY think that it is a special product to not only buy one for himself, but to also buy enough for any guests who might stop by.
And while it is mighty nice of him to share, I think it probably would have been better to just turn the heat up if he was having guests over.
Did he say to his friends: "It's really cold because we turn the heat way down to save money. But don't worry, I have this Forever Lazy for you to wear." I don't think I would be going back to that friend's house after that.
Then we learn that the FL isn't just for indoor use. Are you tired of your deck or patio being wasted during the cold weather months? Now you can enjoy them all year long thanks to the warmth provided by the FL!
The last time I was at an outdoor sporting event, I did kind of feel that something was missing As if my experience could have been enhanced somehow. I now realize what I was missing: a full body blanket!
It looks like my days of wearing jerseys and other team merchandise when I go to games are over. From now on, the only team I'll be supporting is Team Forever Lazy!
Best of all, there are convenient zippered pouches for easy use in the bathroom.
That's not gross or anything. I wonder if when that guy offers FLs to his guests if he enacts a "no bathroom" policy. Because I don't think I would be too crazy about wearing one that someone has brought into the bathroom.
Some other highlights of the commercial:
- What kind of weird family is this where everyone but the father is into watching the big game? Apparently, falling asleep is what "Dad does best." Is he narcoleptic or something?
- So this is FL's impression of what a typical dorm room looks like? I don't think most dorm rooms have those types of desks. And shouldn't that girl be upset that this guy is playing video games while she's trying to study? Maybe she should go to the library since we've seen that the FL doesn't limit one's activity in any way.
- When they show the guy getting food out of the fridge: Holy crap, how much is that guy about to eat? It looks like he has enough food to feed a family of four.

ReplyDeleteI work in advertising and all I want to know is who was the agency??? Who wrote the script???? Please help me????
ps- awesome blog- now I know where to hang out:)