There are obviously several major problems with the bears' plan.
First, I think they were extremely fortunate that they raided the cabin of a large, hairy man. If the cabin owner had been skinny, non-bearded, or a woman, they wouldn't have been able to use his ID.
I'm also confused why the bears chose to use subterfuge in order to purchase the Pepsi. They had no qualms about breaking into the cabin and raiding it of food. So what's stopping them from simply bursting into the convenience store and taking some Pepsi?
It is possible that they had scouted the cabin and knew that nobody was home, and they weren't going to encounter any resistance. On the other hand, there would obviously be someone working at the convenience store, and they'd have to deal with them in order to get the Pepsi.
Of course this ignores the fact that they're bears! If the clerk or his wife tried to stop them, they could simply maul them, and take all the food and Pepsi they wanted.
Maybe the bears were worried that mauling a convenience store clerk and his wife might draw unwanted attention from the law. But really, haven't they done enough already to merit some intervention by the authorities anyway?
Breaking and entering, robbery, and identity theft are all serious crimes. Perhaps not as serious as assualt or murder, but they are serious nonetheless. I think that these bears are already deep enough in trouble, that they shouldn't have restrained themselves. In fact, by leaving witnesses, they've probably gotten themselves into more trouble.

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